
Russian Prime Criticism Hypocrisy of Western Countries

SeributawaNews - Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has accused certain Western countries hypocritical in matters relating to recent developments in North Africa.

On Monday (7 / 11), Putin criticized the hypocrisy that is used by "arrogant powers of the world" when she hosted the 10th Conference of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in the western city of Saint Petersburg, AFP reported.

Russia's prime minister criticized Western countries that supported the revolution that led to the fall of the previous regime North Africa they support.

Moscow strongly opposes NATO's military campaign in Libya, while warning that the Western alliance would allow the policy is turned into a norm in the future.

Moscow also warned the West not to take harsh action against the Soviet-era ally, Syria.

Russia considers regional security summit (SCO) as a rival to NATO, and hope this step will develop into a stronger force to rival NATO.

SCO is an intergovernmental security organization which was founded in 2001 in Shanghai by the leaders of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. (eramuslim)


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