
Danger Was Sex While Pregnant?

SeributawaNews - Some women fear sexual intercourse during pregnancy. Some feel sexual desire decreases because their bodies are doing a lot of adjustments to new life forms growing in their womb. While at the same time, the thrill of it increases. This is not a sexual disorder. Indeed there was a time when pregnant women experience increased sexual arousal.

First trimester: Interest in decreasing the trimester (three months) the first, usually decreased sex drive. Never wanted to, I wake up alone was chastened morning sickness, vomiting, lethargy, laziness, all things contrary to the spirit and the libido. Hormonal fluctuations, fatigue, and nausea can suck all the desire to have sex.

Second trimester: increased interest (re-) entering the second trimester, generally libido comes back. The body is able to receive and be familiar with the condition of pregnancy, so pregnant women can enjoy the activities more freely than in the first trimester. Pregnancy also is not too big and burdensome as in the third trimester. Nausea, vomiting, and all the unpleasant taste is usually much reduced and the body feels more comfortable. Similarly to the bedroom. This is due to increased drainage of blood to the sexual organs and breasts.

Third Trimester: Interest decreased libido may drop back again when the third trimester of pregnancy. Comfort has been much reduced. Soreness in the back and hip, body weight increased rapidly, more shortness of breath (due to the large fetal chest and stomach urgent), and again felt nauseous, that some of the causes of declining sexual interest. But if you're including that do not decrease libido in the third trimester, it is normal, especially if you are enjoying your pregnancy. You are also fortunate not to have tormented by a swollen leg, headaches, or necessity rested.

In addition to the physical thing, a decrease in libido is also associated with increased anxiety and fears of pregnancy. The most common question is "whether intercourse may harm the fetus?". Medically there is nothing to worry about if the pregnancy is not accompanied by complicating factors, that is in good health condition. Complicating factor is that including the threat of miscarriage, hypertension, excessive vomiting, or certain other health conditions. Things that concern could arise due to sexual intercourse on pregnancy:


Many couples worry that sex during pregnancy can cause miscarriage. But the real problem is actually not on the sexual activity itself. Miscarriage (early miscarriage) usually associated with chromosomal abnormalities or other problems experienced by the developing fetus. Not on what you do or not do. Harm the fetus will not reach sexual contact or interfere with the fetus that is protected by the membranes and amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid is a very good shock absorbers so that the movement during intercourse as well as uterine contractions during orgasm will be damped and not interfere with the fetus. Ejaculation that occurs will also not make the sperm to reach the fetus because the membranes that protect. Your partner's penis will not touch the fetus. But if convenience is the problem, of course you should discuss with your partner about the position of choice.


Orgasm triggers premature birth because orgasm can trigger uterine contractions. But these contractions are different from the contractions felt before childbirth. Research indicates that if you lead a normal pregnancy, orgasms, with or without intercourse (which means the men do not need to do a penetration of the penis, just 'other') - does not trigger premature birth. Worry only if you have pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS), most likely you will experience more severe mood swings during pregnancy. This does not just affect sexual desire, but also worries that tend to excessive impact.

Consider some of these things! If you choose oral sex, make sure your partner does not blow air into the vagina. Although rare, but the entry of air into the blood vessel (embolism) can be fatal for you and the fetus. So it should be avoided whenever possible. Avoid lying on your back during sex. If the uterus (and baby) from the main blood vessel pressing on the back of the abdomen, you may feel dizzy (lightheaded) or nausea. But if you do not have a problem with this position, do it. If you do not feel like having sex, tell your partner what it is.

Anxious, uncomfortable, not interested at all (no desire), or not possible (to avoid) are some common reasons. Exposure to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) during pregnancy increases the risk of infection that can affect pregnancy and fetal health. If you change your sexual partner during pregnancy, use condoms when having sex. Associated with sexually transmitted diseases: Safe sex is no sex. 100% security is when not having sex. This does not mean that the husband and wife should not have sex. But if you include the frequently changing sexual partners, mark it well.

Should not have sex if:

Placenta previa

It is a condition where the placenta (in part or entirely) located at the bottom of the uterus, covering the mouth / exit the fetus. The placenta is normally located at the top of the uterus. If pressed cervix penetration, feared to be bleeding. Preterm birth Pregnant women can be suspected to have preterm delivery if you start having regular contractions before 37 weeks gestation that causes the cervix starts to open.

Orgasm is feared to trigger a contraction. In addition, exposure to the hormone prostaglandin in the semen (sperm fluid) can also trigger contractions, which although not harmful to normal pregnancy, should be aware if you have the risk of giving birth (fetal) premature. If you still choose to have sex, remove the sperm outside the vagina. Bleeding (spotting / vaginal bleeding) Bleeding may be associated with signs of miscarriage. Sexual relationships should be avoided if there are cases of bleeding. Unless your doctor stating that the spots that you are experiencing is normal phenomenon that sometimes happens, depending on gestational age, fetal condition, volume and form plaques, and the condition of your own.

Mouth of the womb (cervix) is weak

If the cervix starts to open prematurely, sex can increase the risk of infection. If you are expecting twins twins, the doctor / midwife may recommend avoiding intercourse during third trimester of pregnancy, although up to now have not found any relationship between sex with the birth of premature twins.

There is no set strict limits about how often sexual intercourse can be performed during pregnancy. Throughout your pregnancy condition is fine, no problem berapakalipun. However, you should take into account the impact that is not too tired. After delivery, when to start having sex again? Your body needs time to recover to normal state as before pregnancy, giving birth either vaginally or by caesarean section.

Many doctors recommend waiting at least 6 weeks prior to start having sex or completed during childbirth. This period gives time for the cervix to close and return for suture / wound to heal. When you feel ready to return to have sex, start slowly. Use a reliable method for contraception. Exclusive breastfeeding (recommended for 6 months) will give you optimal protection. Although 6 weeks had elapsed, if your body was not ready, do not push yourself. Your spouse is the person who most deserves to understand and empathize with the condition you are experiencing.


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