
Tips on choosing a style of sex

SeributawaNews - Choosing a style of sex? Why not. Especially if it could speed up the style of procreation, as well as healthful. However, whatever style is chosen, there will always be advantages and kekuarangannya. 

Therefore, variations in style is important to get the enjoyment of the piece. 

The thousand and one different positions for intercourse could have been done by the couple, as long as it is believed to increase the pleasure together. Some are facing each other (vis a vis), some are facing the back (vis a targo). In terms of medical (clinical), there are three common positions, and contain a 'sense' certain. In short, these positions have their respective functions, in accordance with the anatomy of the human body. 

Woman lying on the bottom, man on top 

This position is a position that is best done if the couple wanted to have children soon. Because, after orgasm, the cervix is ​​immersed in the semen collected in fornik posterior (back pocket) vagina. So that sperm does not quickly get out again, put a pillow under your pelvis. Thus the possibility of conception (fertilization) to be larger. 

However, be careful. This position is not recommended for women who are pregnant (third trimester). The touch of the penis shaft directly on the cervix can cause irritation. Men who had heart disease should not copulate with a position that demands more active men, such as position number 1 is. 

The man lay on the bottom, woman on top 

Women are more active usually like this position. The root of the penis will be in direct contact with the woman's clitoris to orgasm can be more quickly achieved. Women who have a spouse fat and heart disease are encouraged embrace this position. However, the sperm into the vagina will quickly spill back, because she is facing down. So, position number 2 is not recommended for couples who want to quickly memomong baby. 

Kneeling woman, the man behind 

If a woman feels pain in the area between the vagina and anus (because of injury, surgery, etc.), this position is recommended. This position is also very well done for women who have inverted position of the uterus accompanied by complaints of infertility. Sperm are placed on the front pocket vagina become 'durable' and do not get out again. 


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