
The first comprehension in learning SEO

SeributawaNews - SEO is an acronym for "search engine optimization". On Google Search Engine will index hundreds of millions of pages, a web page we may be one of them. But in order that we can be blog posts indexed in the first rank is not an easy thing. A blog page, may contain good information from a particular topic, but still failed to attract a lot of visitors. One of the most reliable way to increase traffic is to become the first in the pages Search Engine. Because about 90 percent of all Internet users use search engines to find what they are looking for.

Suppose we have created a new site about "SEO". We provide useful services for website owners, including: technical advice on website development, Keyword Research / Keyword research, SEO training, SEO Marketing. But the new site belongs to us not even listed in the SERPs. So few people know about our services,

Actually How the heck our blogs to be indexed?. The first and main task to be listed on the SERPs is to Submit your site or blog in Google, Yahoo, Ask etc.. People usually visit the website on the top page (1 or 2 pages) of the SERPs. So that the position was first on the blog on page 1 on search engines is the most challenging in the promotion of our web site.

Now we have to know how search engines work. Although companies try to keep the search engines and algorithms secret, their criteria for being the highest ranking on the SERPs is not a mystery that we can not solve, and it became a mandatory thing we learned in the world of blogging. The primary objective of all search engines is to provide links to the best sites related to the user's search terms. If the website we provide information and best service on SEO, then it will benefit the search engines to list your site or blog high on their SERPs. But we must find a way to show search engines that the site we are at the top of the SEO information.


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