
Lower Abdominal exercises, Get a Perfect Shape Stomach

SeributawaNews - You definitely want to have a perfect stomach. Even for those who already have a flat stomach and still want to form the lower abdomen that looks even better. Then practice what you have to do to get a more beautiful belly?

To train your lower abdomen, then the first thing that needs to be done is by knowing the basic level of this exercise, in which people learn to improve leg strength and abdominal muscles. This is done by various types of leg exercises, and training complex in which more than one muscle is used to perform the movement. Here are some of the basic movements for lower abdominal exercises.

leg Walks

This exercise can be done by lying on your back, keep your hands tucked under your butt to make sure that your back straight. Lift both legs without bending your knees to 90 degrees from the floor. Now slowly release the foot to the floor, until only a few inches from the floor, hold this position for several minutes and bring the foot back to a position 90 degrees. Repeat for other leg. This exercise can be repeated 8-10 times for both legs.

reverse Crunch

This exercise should be done on a decline bench. Lie on the bench. Make sure your back is arched. Then slowly bring your knees to your chest by contracting your lower abdominal muscles. Remove your foot and repeat.

Some lower abdominal exercises are more complex, including exercises such as the pushup, pull ups, squats and so on. These exercises, when combined with a good cardio workout, it can make your dream to get that perfect stomach into reality.


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